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1 Ounce Silver

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   ~ Denomination, etc ~


Price £


One (Large) Cent

USA 1794 1 Cent  Obv. Clear date.  Rev. No data ! Out of


USA 1803 1 Cent - Small date.  Small fraction Out of


USA 1810 1 Cent - Obv. All of LIBERTY clear Out of


USA 1818 1 Cent  - Obv. IBERTY clear (L weak)
Rev. ONE CENT clear - rest worn out ! Fair/Poor 10.00
USA 1824 1 Cent                        A little bit claggy Fair-F 15.00
USA 1827 1 Cent Fair-F 19.50
USA 1828 1 Cent  (Narrow date) Fair-F 19.50
USA 1831 1 Cent  (Large Lettering) Fine 22.50
USA 1833 1 Cent Fair 15.00
USA 1836 1 Cent Rev.  Small indents Fair 10.00
USA 1837 1 Cent  (Small lettering) F+-VF? 28.50
USA 1837 1 Cent  Obv. Faint scratch by mouth F+-VF? 24.00
USA 1840 1 Cent  (Small date) VF 33.00
USA 1843 1 Cent  Obv. Small head  Rev. Small letter F/F+ 21.50
USA 1844 1 Cent F/F+ 19.50
USA 1845 1 Cent F+ 22.50
USA 1846 1 Cent  Date: Medium size VF 28.50
USA 1847 1 Cent  Obv. Slight edge bruise 8 o'clock F+ 12.50
USA 1848 1 Cent  Obv. Slight edge bruise 4 o'clock
            Rev. Slight edge bruise 8 o'clock VF 18.50
USA 1849 1 Cent  VF-VF+ 30.00
USA 1849 1 Cent  Obv. Slight thin cut by 1 of date VF/VF+ 22.50
USA 1849 1 Cent  F/F+ 18.50
USA 1850 1 Cent  VF+ 35.00
USA 1851 1 Cent  F+/VF? 19.50
USA 1851 1 Cent  Rev. Weak strick ST of STATES F+/F 14.00
USA 1853 1 Cent  Slight dark patches VF-VF+ 18.50
USA 1854 1 Cent  VF/VF+ 25.00

One (Large) Cent  LOTS

USA 1837 - 50 1 Cent; 1837; 1843 & 1850  (3 coins) Fair 12.00

One (Flying Eagle) Cent

USA 1857 1 Cent  [Flying Eagle] F/F+ 32.50
USA 1857 1 Cent  [Flying Eagle]
Obv. Small edge bruise 10 o'clock
Rev. A couple of edge and rim bruises VF 30.00
USA 1857 1 Cent  [Flying Eagle] Fair/Fine 25.00
USA 1858 1 Cent  [Large lettering]

Very slight rim bruises

VF 42.50
USA 1858 1 Cent  [Large lettering] Fine 32.50
USA 1858 1 Cent  [Large lettering] Fair-Fine 25.00
USA 1858 1 Cent  [Large lettering] Fair 20.00
           Obv. Lightly polished Fair-Fine 16.50
USA 1858 1 Cent  [Small letters]

One (Small Indian head) Cent

USA 1859 1 Cent EF+ 140.00
USA 1859 1 Cent  Obv. Very faint hairline scratch EF?-EF 50.00
USA 1859 1 Cent VF 35.00
USA 1859 1 Cent    Fair-Fine 13.50
USA 1859 1 Cent    Fair 10.00
USA 1859 1 Cent  Rev. Wear around bottom rim Fair/? 6.50
USA 1861 1 Cent  EF 85.00
USA 1861 1 Cent    Fine 30.00
USA 1862 1 Cent    EF? 30.00
USA 1863 1 Cent    VF+-EF? 24.00
USA 1863 1 Cent    VF-VF+ 16.50
USA 1863 1 Cent    Fine/F+ 10.00
USA 1864 1 Cent  [1st issue - thick flan] Cupro-nickle EF? 55.00
USA 1864 1 Cent  [1st issue - thick flan] Fair 15.00
USA 1864 1 Cent  [2nd issue - thinner] VF 25.00
USA 1864 1 Cent  [2nd issue - thinner] Fine 12.50
USA 1864 1 Cent  [2nd issue - thinner] Fair 9.50
USA 1865 1 Cent  Date: Plain - flat top 5 Fair-Fine 10.00
USA 1865 1 Cent  Date: Ornate: Ornate curved top 5 Fair 8.00
USA 1866 1 Cent                A bit claggy Fair 25.00
USA 1867 1 Cent Obv. hair-line scratch Fair 25.00
USA 1868 1 Cent - Strong LIBERTY EF? 120.00
USA 1868 1 Cent Full LIBERTY weak TE of STATES VF?/VF+ 85.00


1 Cent (Only LI of LIBERTY

clear - rest of coin very strong)

F+/VF 175.00
USA 1870 1 Cent B of LIBERTY slightly weak VF-VF+ 240.00
USA 1871 1 Cent  Full clear LIBERTY VF+ 275.00
USA 1871 1 Cent  Obv. LIBERTY clear VF-VF+ 245.00
USA 1871 1 Cent  LI & T of LIBERTY clear but weak F 175.00
USA 1871 1 Cent  LIBERTY worn away otherwise F/F+ 165.00
USA 1873 1 Cent  All of legend & date is clear as is
the Indian head wreath, etc. but misty. A
light pitting on both sides  Poor 5.00
USA 1874 1 Cent  LIBERTY clear but BE weak VF/VF+ 40.00
USA 1876 1 Cent  LIB clear other letters hazy F+/VF 40.00
USA 1878 1 Cent  B of LIB not clear - tiny scuff VF/VF+ 75.00
USA 1880 1 Cent  LIBERTY clear but BE weak VF 6.50
USA 1880 1 Cent       Choice unused but no lustre EF+ 40.00
USA 1880 1 Cent  Obv. Tiny indent on cheek VF 5.00
USA 1880 1 Cent F+ 4.00
USA 1881 1 Cent VF 6.00
USA 1882 1 Cent F+ 4.00
USA 1884 1 Cent VF+ 8.50
USA 1887 1 Cent VF 4.50
USA 1887 1 Cent F+ 3.00
USA 1888 1 Cent VF+ 6.50
USA 1889 1 Cent - The whole of the date doubled VF 35.00
USA 1889 1 Cent F+ 3.00
USA 1890 1 Cent EF 10.00
USA 1890 1 Cent EF? 7.50
USA 1890 1 Cent F+ 3.00
USA 1896 1 Cent  Choice coin with about 75% lustre AU75 75.00
USA 1897 1 Cent EF? 7.50
USA 1898 1 Cent EF-EF+ 12.50
USA 1900 1 Cent VF+-EF? 6.50
USA 1901 1 Cent  Rev.5% slight orange lustre EF+/AU5 17.50
USA 1901 1 Cent   VF/VF+ 4.00
USA 1902 1 Cent  No lustre but nice coin EF+ 10.00
USA 1902 1 Cent   EF-EF+ 8.00
USA 1902 1 Cent  Very slight edge knocks VF+ 3.50
USA 1903 1 Cent   EF+ 10.00
USA 1905 1 Cent VF+ 4.50
USA 1906 1 Cent VF+ 4.50
USA 1907 1 Cent VF+ 4.50
USA 1908 1 Cent VF 3.50

One (Lincoln head) Cent  [Wheat]

USA 1909 1 Cent EF 6.00
USA 1909 1 Cent EF? 5.00
USA 1909 1 Cent  [V.D.B.] EF 14.00
USA 1910 1 Cent EF+ 4.00
USA 1910 1 Cent EF 2.50
USA 1912 1 Cent EF+ 10.00
USA 1912 1 Cent EF?-EF 7.50
USA 1912 S 1 Cent  [San Francisco]  5 -10% lustre AU5-10 145.00
USA 1912 S 1 Cent  [San Francisco]  Hint of lustre AU 125.00
USA 1913 1 Cent  Obv. 25%  Rev. 0% AU25/0 24.00
USA 1913 D 1 Cent  [Denver] EF? 22.50
USA 1915 1 Cent F+ 3.50
USA 1915 D 1 Cent  [Denver] F+ 3.50
USA 1916 S 1 Cent  [San Francisco] VF 6.50
USA 1918 1 Cent EF? 2.00
USA 1919 1 Cent  Trace of lustre AU10 6.50
USA 1919 1 Cent EF 3.50
USA 1919 S 1 Cent  [San Francisco] VF+ 4.00
USA 1919 S 1 Cent  [San Francisco] VF? 2.00
USA 1920 1 Cent EF+ 3.50
USA 1920 1 Cent EF 2.00
USA 1924 1 Cent EF 3.50
USA 1925 1 Cent EF+-AU 3.50
USA 1926 1 Cent EF 2.00
USA 1927 1 Cent  35-40% reddish lustre AU35-40 12.00
USA 1928 1 Cent  30-35% reddish lustre AU30-35 8.50
USA 1929 1 Cent  50-60% reddish lustre AU50-60 12.50
USA 1930 1 Cent  65-70% reddish lustre AU65-70 12.00
USA 1934 1 Cent  Obv. 85%  Rev. 5% lustre AU85/5 10.00
USA 1935 1 Cent  40-45% reddish lustre AU40-45 6.00
USA 1936 1 Cent  75% reddish lustre AU75 6.00
USA 1936 1 Cent  Obv. 5%  Rev. 25% lustre AU5/25 2.50
USA 1937 1 Cent  Obv. 5%  Rev. 75% lustre AU5/75 3.00
USA 1938 1 Cent  Obv. 5%  Rev. 25% lustre AU5/25 2.50
USA 1939 1 Cent  Obv. 10%  Rev. 5% lustre AU10/5 2.50
USA 1940 1 Cent  Obv. 15%  Rev. 10% lustre AU15/10 2.50
USA 1940 D 1 Cent  [Denver]   lustre 10/30 AU10/30 2.50
USA 1940 D 1 Cent  [Denver]   lustre 25/5 AU25/5 2.50
USA 1941 1 Cent  Obv. 25%  Rev. 75% lustre AU25/75 3.00
USA 1941 D 1 Cent  Obv. 15%  Rev. 75% lustre AU15/75 3.00
USA 1942 1 Cent  [Brass]  85-90% orange lustre AU85-90 7.50
USA 1944 1 Cent  [Brass]  70-75% lustre AU70-75 3.50
USA 1945 D 1 Cent  [Denver]  75-80% lustre AU75-80 3.50
USA 1946 1 Cent  Obv. 25%  Rev. 75% lustre AU25/75 2.50
USA 1948 D 1 Cent  [Denver]  85% lustre AU85 5.00
USA 1954 D 1 Cent  [Denver]  85% lustre AU85 5.00
USA 1956 D 1 Cent  [Denver]  80% lustre AU85 4.50
USA 1958 D 1 Cent  [Denver]  70-75% lustre AU70-75 3.00

One (Lincoln head) Cent [Memorial]

USA 1959 D 1 Cent  [Denver]  80-85% lustre AU80-85 3.00
USA 1975 S 1 Cent  [San Francisco]  Proof  95% AU95 3.50

Two  Cents

USA 1864 2 Cents [Large Motto]     VF+ 24.00
USA 1864 2 Cents [Large Motto]     VF-VF+ 20.00
USA 1864 2 Cents [Large Motto]      Fair 8.00
USA 1864 2 Cents [Large Motto]     
Struck off axis ↑ ↙ (by about 25º degrees) VF 35.00
USA 1865 2 Cents       VF+ 24.00
USA 1865 2 Cents       VF 18.00
USA 1865 2 Cents       Fine 12.50
USA 1867 2 Cents EF+ 50.00

  'A - Z' Coins 

  'U' Coins 



USA 1A (3 - 10 Cents) 

USA 1B (25 Cents - 1/2 Dollar)

 USA 2 (Dollars)   USA 3 (Colonial)    USA 4 (Sets)   USA 5 (Commems)