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1971 10 'new' Pence - Struck on a very thin flan. 8.1 grams instead of the normal 11.5 grams

         and approximately 1.2 mm thick instead of 2.0 mm.

         This sort of coin happens when the sheet from which the coin 'blanks' are cut out of

         tapers at the edge of the sheet. Normal the Royal Mint stops short of the end of the sheet

         so as to make sure that all of the blanks are of the right weight and thickness. Very 

         occasionally as in the case of this coin the coin was struck from a thinned end of a sheet.

         When a thinner tapered blank is inserted into the printing or die stamping machine the result is 

         the stamping is not as strong especially with the raised rim and border beads. The Queen's

         head and the Lion are still fairly well struck as they are prouder than the rim and beads.

         The edge milling is also not that well cut and in some places - non-existent !

         Coins like this are rare as due to quality control and they seldom escape from the Mint. 

         This coin must have been taken quickly out of circulation as the grade is EF+.

Sold left as reference

 GB 10 Pence