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1 Ounce Silver

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Price (£)

Victoria   1887 & 1893

Out of stock

Edward VII   1902

PS 1902   Empty case for 1902 LONG proof set
£5 (gold) to Maundy 1d EF+ 140.00


PS 1902 SS Matt Proof - Sovereign to Maundy 1d (11 coins)

Coins: Slightly deeper tone. 

In original red cardboard box of issue

pAS 2450.00



George V   1911 & 1927

PS 1911 A Proof set [Silver set 2/6 to Maundy set]    

[8 coins]   in original red case

pAS 1325.00
PS 1927 A Proof Set  in original red case

Coins:- Bright,   Choice.  Case: EF+

pAS 750.00
PS 1927   EMPTY card case for 1927 proof set Out of


PS 1927   EMPTY card case for 1927 proof set VF-VF+ 15.00



George V   1937; 1950 & 1951

PS 1937 A Proof Set  in original case (Case Choice)

Silver bright - Copper (85% or + lustre) 

pAS 420.00
PS 1937 A Proof Set  in original case (Case Choice)
Silver bright - Copper (75% or + lustre)  pAS 400.00
PS 1937 A Proof Set  in original case (Case Choice)
Silver bright - Copper (65% or + lustre)  pAS 385.00
PS 1937 A Proof Set  in original case (Case Choice)
Silver bright - Copper (50% or + lustre)  pAS 365.00


PS 1950 A Proof Set  in original case    
Silver bright - Copper (85% or + lustre)  pAS 150.00


PS 1951 A Proof Set  in original - Green case
Coins 2/6 to 6d in choice bright condition    
All of the brass & copper coins have a    
trace of 'tape mark' on the obverse    
the reverse of the coins are choice    
97-99% full lustre    
Case : Top - 98%   Spine - good pAS 215.00
PS 1951 A Proof Set  in original - Purple-brown case
Coins 2/6 to 6d in choice bright condition    
Brass 3d - AU99.   1d - AU90    
1/2d - AU85/95.   1/4d - AU90/95    
Case : Top - 98%   Spine - Slight wear pAS 200.00
PS 1951 A Proof Set  in original - Green case
Coins 2/6 to 6d in choice bright condition    
Brass 3d - AU99.   1d - AU40    
1/2d - AU35/50.   1/4d - AU80    
Case : excellent pAS 190.00
PS 1951 A Proof Set  in original - Blue case
Coins 2/6 to 6d in choice bright condition    
Brass 3d - AU99.   1d - AU75    
1/2d - AU95/75.   1/4d - AU85    
Case : Top - 98%   Spine - Has been    
repaired & strengthened with clear tape pAS 180.00
PS 1951 A Proof Set  in original - Purple-brown case
Coins 2/6 to 6d in choice bright condition    
Brass 3d - AU95.   1d - AU65-70    
1/2d - AU65-70.   1/4d - AU50/15    
Case : Top - 90%   Spine - Slight wear pAS 165.00



Elizabeth II   1953 (Coronation - Sterling issue)

1953 Set

The majority of the inside lids of this set - the white silk has some

amount of red staining from the red felt used for the inside

base that the coins sit in.

Finding cases that have pure white silks is getting harder.

PS 1953 A Proof Set  in original case - White silk &    
coins in choice condition pAS 185.00

Elizabeth II   1970 (Last Sterling issue)

1970 to 1984 sets

I have looked at several 100's of proof sets from 

1970 - 1982 and note that over 95% of ALL of these   

sets have coins, in each set, that are starting to tone.

It is normally the copper coins that start to tone first but

the cupro-nickle coins can also show some signs of toning.

A possible cause is that the glue the Royal Mint 

used in these early sets are having this adverse 

effect on the coins locked in these sealed units !?

It is possible that eventually one day

ALL of these sets will become toned !


We have graded our sets from 1970 to 1984

into TWO categories

The best sets we offer might exhibit a hint or bit of toning.

The sets that we list "With slight tone"

might exhibit slightly more toning.


1970 Set

Known with 

2 different HALFCROWN obverses

              Halfcrown: Obverse 2 - I of GRATIA to a bead (Normal)

                                Obverse 3 - I of GRATIA to the right of a bead (Scarce)


2 different FLORIN obverses

                     Florin:  Obverse 1 - E of DEI to gap (Normal)

                                 Obverse 2 - E of DEI to bead (Scarce)


2 different SIXPENCE obverses

               Sixpence:  Obverse 2 - I of GRATIA to the right of a bead (Normal)

                                Obverse 3 - I of GRATIA to a gap (Scarce)


2 different HALFPENNY obverses

             Halfpenny:  Obverse 3  D of DEI to gap [Thin rim] - RARE

                                Obverse 4  D of DEI to bead [Thick rim] - Normal


1970 Set type A = 

Halfcrown (2) Florin (1) Sixpence (2) Halfpenny (3) RARE


1970 Set type B =  

Halfcrown (2) Florin ( 1) Sixpence (2) Halfpenny (4) 


1970 Set type C =  

Halfcrown (3) Florin (1) Sixpence (2) Halfpenny (4)   


1970 Set type D =  

Halfcrown (3) Florin (1) Sixpence (3) Halfpenny (4)   


   1970 Set type E = 

Halfcrown (3) Florin (2) Sixpence (2) Halfpenny (4) 


1970 Set type F = 

Halfcrown (3) Florin (2) Sixpence (3) Halfpenny (4)


So far, I have found no other combinations for 1970 dies

PS 1970 A

Proof Set  in original case - RARE

Halfcrown 2; Florin 1; Sixpence 2; Halfpenny 3

3d & copper - Slight toning

pAS 90.00
PS 1970 B

Proof Set  in original case - Normal

Halfcrown 2; Florin 1; Sixpence 2; Halfpenny 4

Copper - Bright

pAS 38.50
PS 1970 B

Proof Set  in original case - Normal

Halfcrown 2; Florin 1; Sixpence 2; Halfpenny 4

3d & copper - Slight toning

pAS 30.00
PS 1970 C

Proof Set  in original case - Normal

Halfcrown 3; Florin 1; Sixpence 2; Halfpenny 4

Copper - Bright

Out of 


PS 1970 C

Proof Set  in original case - Normal

Halfcrown 3; Florin 1; Sixpence 2; Halfpenny 4

3d & 1d  very slight toning


1/2d  Obv. toned

pAS 27.50
PS 1970 D

Proof Set  in original case - Normal

Halfcrown 3; Florin 1; Sixpence 3; Halfpenny 4

Copper - Bright

Out of 


PS 1970 D

Proof Set  in original case - Normal

Halfcrown 3; Florin 1; Sixpence 3; Halfpenny 4


Copper slight toning

Out of 


PS 1970 E

Proof Set  in original case - Normal

Halfcrown 3; Florin 2; Sixpence 2; Halfpenny 4


Copper - Bright



PS 1970 E

Proof Set  in original case - Normal

Halfcrown 3; Florin 2; Sixpence 2; Halfpenny 4


Copper - Light toning



PS 1970 F

Proof Set  in original case - Normal

Halfcrown 3; Florin 2; Sixpence 3; Halfpenny 4


Copper - Bright



Elizabeth II   1971 - to date (Decimal issue)

PS 1971 A Proof Set  in original case - Bright AS


PS 1971 A Proof Set  in original case

With slight copper tone



PS 1972 A Proof Set  in original case
inc. 25p (Silver Wedding) - Bright AS


PS 1972 A Proof Set  in original case
25p (Silver Wedding) - Slight tone to 1p & 1/2p pAS


* The 1973 set with '90-95% good lustre' is a very difficult set to obtain.

PS 1973 A Proof Set  in original case

Copper - 90% lustre

pAS 35.00
PS 1973 A Proof Set  in original case

Copper - 80-85% lustre

pAS 25.00
PS 1973 A Proof Set  in original case

Copper - 50% lustre

pAS 12.50
PS 1973 A Proof Set  in original case

All coins - well toned

pAS 3.50

* Finding any of the sets between 1974 and 1982 now  with 

'full brightness' is becoming extremely difficult as virtually 

every penny & or halfpenny there is some toning now appearing.

PS 1974 A Proof Set  in original case - Bright pAS 26.50
PS 1974 A Proof Set  in original case

With slight copper tone

pAS 22.50
PS 1975 A Proof Set  in original case - Bright Out of 


PS 1975 A Proof Set  in original case

With slight copper tone

pAS 16.50
PS 1976 A Proof Set  in original case - Bright Out of 


PS 1976 A Proof Set  in original case

With slight very copper tone

pAS 14.50
PS 1977 A Proof Set  in original case
inc. 25p (Silver Jubilee) - Bright AS 15.00
PS 1977 A Proof Set  in original case inc. 25p

With slight copper tone

Out of 


PS 1978 A Proof Set  in original case - Bright AS 17.50
PS 1978 A Proof Set  in original case

With very slight copper tone

pAS 12.50
PS 1979 A Proof Set  in original case - Bright Out of 


PS 1979 A Proof Set  in original case

With very slight copper tone

pAS 15.00
PS 1979 A Proof Set  in original case

2 pence has a few small toning spots

pAS 12.00
PS 1979 A Proof Set  in original case

All 3 copper coins have spot on obv.

pAS 9.00
PS 1980 A Proof Set  in original case - Bright AS 15.00
PS 1980 A Proof Set  in original case

With light copper tone

pAS 11.50
PS 1981 A Proof Set  in original case - Bright AS 24.00
PS 1981 A Proof Set  in original case

With slight copper tone

Out of 


PS 1982 A Proof Set  in original case - with 1st 20p - Bright  AS 15.00
PS 1983 A Proof Set  in original case - with first £1 AS 15.00
PS 1983 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 20.00
PS 1984 A Proof Set  in original case -
 £1 (Scotland) & last 1/2p AS 22.50
PS 1984 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 27.50
PS 1985 A Proof Set  in original case -
[New head]  £1 (Wales) AS 15.00
PS 1985 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 20.00
PS 1986 A Proof Set  in original case -
£2 (Comm. Games) & £1 (N. Ire.) AS


PS 1986 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 20.00
PS 1987 A Proof Set  in original case -
 £1 (England) AS 17.50
PS 1987 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 22.50
PS 1988 A Proof Set  in original case -
£1 (Royal Arms) AS 18.00
PS 1988 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 23.00
PS 1989 A Proof Set  in original case -
2 x £2 ( Bill & Claim of Rights)
 & £1 (Scotland) AS 50.00
PS 1989 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 55.00
PS 1990 A Proof Set  in original case -
£1 (Wales)  2 x 5p (Large & small) AS 20.00
PS 1990 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 25.00
PS 1991 A Proof Set  in original case -
£1 (Northern Ireland) AS 20.00
PS 1991 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 25.00
PS 1992 A Proof Set  in original case -
£1 (England); 2 x 50p (EEC & Brit.)
& 2 x 10p (Large & small) AS 95.00
PS 1992 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 100.00
PS 1993 A Proof Set  in original case -
£5 (Coronation) & £1 (U.K.) AS 25.00
PS 1993 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 30.00
PS 1994 A Proof Set  in original case -
£2 (B. of E.), £1 (Scot); 50p D-Day AS 30.00
PS 1994 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 35.00
PS 1995 A Proof Set  in original case -
£2 (Dove) & £1 (Wales dragon) AS 25.00
PS 1995 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 30.00
PS 1996 A Proof Set  in original case -
£5 (Queen's 70th); £2 (Football);
& £1 (N. Ireland - Celtic Cross) AS 40.00
PS 1996 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 45.00
SP 1996 SP *See below for ALL silver proof set
PS 1997 A Proof Set  in original case -
£5 (50th Wedding); £2 (Bi-metal);
£1 (Eng.) & 2 x 50p (Large & small) AS 35.00
PS 1997 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 40.00
1997 *See below for Britannia proof set
PS 1998 A Proof Set  in original case -
[New head] £5 (Prince Charles);
£1 (shield) & 2 x 50p (E.U. & Brit.) AS 35.00
PS 1998 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 40.00
PS 1999 A Proof Set  in original case -
£5 (Diana memorial); £2 (Rugby)
& £1 (Scottish Lion) AS 35.00
PS 1999 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 40.00
PS 2000 A Proof Set  in original case -
£5 (Millennium); £1 (Welsh Dragon)
& 2 x 50p (P. Libraries & Brit.) AS


PS 2000 B  Deluxe Proof Set with stand AS


PS 2001 A Proof Set  in original case -
£5 (Victoria Cent.); £1 (N. Ireland)
& 2 x £2 (Marconi & normal) AS 35.00
PS 2001 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 40.00
PS 2002 A Proof Set  in original case - [9 coins]
£5 (Gold Jub.); £1 (England) AS 35.00
PS 2002 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 40.00
PS 2002 E Executive Proof Set  in gold case -
£5 (Gold Jub.); £1 (England)
in special gold plastic case & booklet
Mintage: 5,000  AS


PS 2003 A Proof Set  in original case - [11 coins]
£5 (Coronation anniversary);
2 x £2 (DNA - Double Helix) & normal

2 x 50 p. (Women's vote) & Britannia

AS 45.00
PS 2003 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 45.00
PS 2003 E Executive Proof Set  in case of issue
£5 (Coronation anniversary);
2 x £2 (DNA - Double Helix) & normal

2 x 50 p. (Women's vote) & Britannia

in special gold plastic case & booklet Out of


PS 2004 A Proof Set  in original case - [10 coins]
2 x £2 (1804  - Locomotive) & normal
1 x £1  Forth Rail Bridge (New Series)

2 x 50 p. (4 minute mile) & Britannia

AS 40.00
PS 2004 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 50.00
PS 2005 A Proof Set  in original case - [12 coins]
2 x £5 (1805  - Nelson & Battle of Trafalgar)
2 x  £2 (1605  - Gunpowder Plot ) & normal
 £1  Menai Suspension Bridge (New Series)

2 x 50 p. (1755 Samuel Johnson) & Britannia

AS 55.00
PS 2005 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 60.00
PS 2006 A Proof Set  in original case - [13 coins]
 £5 (1926  - 80th birthday of Queen)
3 x  £2 (Brunel ) & normal
 £1  Egyptian Arch - Northern Ireland

3 x 50 p. (Victoria Cross) & Britannia

AS 55.00
PS 2006 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 60.00
SP 2006 *See below for ALL silver proof set
2006 *See below for Britannia proof set
PS 2007 A Proof Set  in original case - [12 coins]
£5 (Diamond Wedding)  £2 (1707 Act of Union )
 £2 (Abolition of slavery) & normal [ 3 coins]
 £1  Gateshead Millennium Bridge

2 x 50 p. (1907 Scout movement) & Britannia

AS 60.00
PS 2007 B Proof Set  in Red leather Deluxe case AS 65.00
PS 2007 E Executive Proof Set  in Wooden case
with booklet / certificate Out of 


PS 2008 A Proof Set  in original case - [11 coins]
£5 (Charles's 60th) + £5 (Elizabeth I .
450th anniv. of accession to the throne)
 £2 (100th anniv. of London Olympic Games ) 
 £1  Royal Coat of Arms AS 65.00
PS 2008 B Proof Set  in Black leather Deluxe case AS 70.00
2008 *See below for Britannia proof set
PS 2009 A Proof Set  in original case - [12 coins]
£5 (Henry VIII)  &  £2 (1759 Robert Burns )
 £2 (1809 Charles Darwin) & £2 normal  (3)

50 p. (Kew Gardens)

 £1  Shield  & 6 part shield coin 50p to 1p Out of 


PS 2009 B Proof Set  in Black leather Deluxe case Out of 


SP 2009 *See below for ALL silver proof set
PS 2010 A Proof Set  in original case - [13 coins]
£5 (Restoration of the Monarchy 1660)
 £2 (Florence Nightingale) & normal [ 2 coins]
 £1  Shield  & £1 London & Belfast City Arms (3)

50 p. (Girl Guides)

6 part shield coin 50p to 1p AS 95.00
2010 *See below for Britannia proof set
PS 2011 A Proof Set  in original case - [14 coins]

£5 (Prince Philip's 90th birthday)

   £2 (St James Bible); (Mary Rose) & (Technology)
 £1 ( Shield);  (Edinburgh Arms) & (Cardiff Arms)

50 p. (World Wildlife Fund) & (shield)

5 part shield coin 20p to 1p Out of 


PS 2012 A Royal Mint Proof Set  - [10 coins]
 £5 (The Queen's Diamond Jubilee 1952 - 2012)
 £2 (Charles Dickens) & (Technology)

£1 Shield & 50p to 1p (part shield design)

Replaces the Deluxe set 

AS 75.00
PS 2013 A Royal Mint Proof Set  - [15 coins + 1]
      £5 (The Queen's Coronation 1953 - 2013)
      £2 (Guinea) & 2 x (London Underground)

       2 x £1 Floral + £1 to 1p (part shield design)

Out of 


PS 2013 B Royal Mint Proof Set  - [7 coins]
       The Commemorative coins only set
       £5 (The Queen's Coronation 1953 - 2013)
       £2 (Guinea) & 2 x (London Underground)

        2 x £1 Floral + 1 x (Ironside) 50 pence

AS 115.00



SP 1996 SP Proof Set  ALL in SILVER -
7 coins - £1 to 1 penny - WITH certificate AS


SP 2000 SP Proof Set  ALL in SILVER -
13 coins - Maundy set + £5 to 1 penny
The Millennium set in deluxe case AS


SP 2006 SP Proof Set  ALL in SILVER -
13 coins - Maundy set + £5 to 1 penny
The Queen's 80 Birthday in deluxe case Out of 




BR 1997 4S Britannia 4 coin Silver proof set
£2., £1., 50p & 20 Pence in case of issue
+ Certificate of Authentication


BR 1998 4S Britannia 4 coin Silver proof set
£2., £1., 50p & 20 Pence in case of issue
+ Certificate of Authentication


BR 2001 4S Britannia 4 coin Silver proof set
£2., £1., 50p & 20 Pence in case of issue
+ Certificate of Authentication


BR 2006 5S

£2 - SILVER (1 oz) -  Silhouette set of 5 coins.

This was a very special set that the Royal Mint

produced where they dated all five of the different

designs that they had used for the Britannia coins

2006 as well as gold plating the main design in

22 carat gold leaf. 

This set was ONLY offered to 

selected Royal Mint clients. 

AS 375.00
BR 2008 4S Britannia 4 coin Silver proof set
£2., £1., 50p & 20 Pence in case of issue
+ Certificate of Authentication


BR 2010 4S Britannia 4 coin Silver proof set
£2., £1., 50p & 20 Pence in case of issue
+ Certificate of Authentication


BR 2020 4S Britannia 4 coin Silver proof set
£2., £1., 50p & 20 Pence in case of issue
+ Certificate of Authentication




 GB Coin List  

 GB Specimen Sets  

 GB Maundy Sets