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1839 Shilling - Variety "CA" - The obverse die is worn and in much need of repair.

The lower half of T of VICTORIA is weak, as is the left foot of the A.

For BRITANNIAR - The top left serif of the 2nd N is missing; the left foot and the bar of the A is also missing.

Only the upper colon dot after  BRIT~IAR º is visible - no trace of lower colon dot.

The lower colon dot after REG º is also missing - no trace of lower colon dot.

The right part of the foot of F º is missing and the lower colon dot is virtually gone. 

After the D º there is a half crescent instead of the lower colon.

* We have another example of the lower colon dot after BRIT~IAR missing but the rest of obverse die is OK !

** We have now obtained another example of the lower colon dot after REGº Fº Dº missing. 

BRIT~IAR has the same weaknesses with the letters B, N and the left leg of A missing and unbarred but only in Fair condition. Difficult to know about the top colon dot after BRIT~IAR as there is a slight dig but there is as usual no hint of the lower colon dot.

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